Healing touch Article 7

A report coming out of Texas. A man lying

in a coma for well over a decade has been a

prospect for VEKRA. How does this man

have the mental capacity to allow the

VEKRA to fuse with his mind. Honestly this

is the best candidate for VEKRA as a

spokesman from Washington said. The

Vekra can communicate with the active

brain development deep with in his subconscious

without worrying about man or the

VEKRA themselves. From what we understand

the VEKRA can communicate and ask

if they want to be as one as they like to put

it. For them its a perfect way to test out if

someone is ready for the infusion process. It

is unbelievable the rapid healing the

VEKRA are able to heal the mind without

damaging the nerves. Its out of this world.

The amount of time it takes for them to get

out of the hospital they recover quickly… A9


Top engineers with a woman infused with

a VEKRA have achieved a stunning new

technology. Actual flying cars. We asked

lead engineer Rachel VEKRA Jones, how

did you come up with flying cars. Jones

replied “It was a happy accident. I was

watching Back to the Future, and I wondered

why we don’t have flying cars now.

When the answer popped into my head

like that moment when the light bulb

turns on in your head. This wave of

knowledge coming from thin air and just

the feeling of it rushing through my brain

it hurt, but it was a good hurt haha.” Jones

who has been working as a mechanic

explains why she was chosen to be

infused with the VEKRA. Jones replied “

I was hesitant at first. I was diagnosed

with cancer and when I heard their was a

cure and it actually worked it cured me. A

booster shot and in the weeks that

followed I couldn’t believe how I

changed. It captured my mind and I felt

that I needed to repay the VEKRA’S kindness

and I sent in an application to the

White House. I am just a small town girl

from Michigan and being brought up on

cars I wanted to make a difference. I

never thought I would get a reply let

alone… A5

World Building.

I have had people ask me why VEKRA? What is so significant about an alien from another galaxy? Or how is this a thesis project, their are no hard facts?

Well the answer to why I chose my project on another alien life is simple to me. We have always been lead to believe that alien are always meant to hurt and destroy.  An alien from another galaxy imagine that in your mind. How would that change our lives as a whole.  Its unfathomable. How is that even possible? While yes there are no hard facts about VEKRA, but their are hard facts about the population and the survivability of Earth.

I have been building a world for this VEKRA to just live in. With our politics starting to change, we are going to be living in a different society. A society of change where Earth can co-inhabit with a possibility of life.


What would America do without its technology today? How are we different from the rest of the world. Our advancement comes from another country. We might have the idea of what we expect from our technology, unlike the rest of the world their is an alien life that surpasses our own. VEKRA.


With all the parasite has to offer us we accept them into our family. As one community living side by side with each other gaining knowledge and sustaining life. We the people from Earth can rest assure that we will watch over the VEKRÁ. Making sure that they can live their lives, but at the same time protect them from others that see them as a threat. With great knowledge comes great responsibility.  Though the Earth has had its trouble we can truly make our planet a refuge for those seeking a place to call home once again.


How do we judge an alien only wanting to live. Is it through the way they promote themselves as a peaceful race only seeking knowledge. How could the human race even begin to understand such a commitment? The whole planet that the VEKRÁ lived on was immediately wiped out in just a few short years because of their advancements.


The price living along side of this dying race is that the human mind must allow itself not to fight for control of the body, but let it merge and become a single unit.

The transitions from VEKRÁ to host body has its price. If the host rejects the body it too will die along with the parasite. From what is understood the VEKRÁ have healing properties that allow each host body to live far beyond its normal capabilites. Relying on merging with the ill is a risk in itself. The mind is a delicate thing allowing a parasitic lifeform merging with could cause the brain to reject and utterly killing it both of them.

Conditions that are face in the future is if the VEKRÁ figure out their reproduction, will they take over Earth and repopulate in their name.

Theorist don’t believe that the VEKRÁ would do such a thing being a peaeful race with the intention on just living and gathering knowledge. Given that the parasitic alien came to us upfront as they were, the knowledge that they would have collected seems immensly greatful for saving their race.

Only time will tell if VEKRÁ’s will live with us for the remainder of their time on here on Earth.


The condition the VEKRÁ are in utter peril. Watching their friends and love ones perish while they themseleve look for salvation. Earth has given them the salvation that is needed for them to sustain their life. Still it comes with a single price.