The VEKRÁ are more less invisible from society. Though the one who would under go the fusion from human to VEKRÁ is a painless procedure. Why be infromed now of the VEKRÁ intentions to merge with us. Most of the general public won’t ever see one let alone know who is standing next to them is a higher form of life. The VEKRÁ have a saying. “VEKRÁ is living a life with answers and pursuit of understanding.”

The VEKRÁ main goal in life is knowledge. To let more than millineaums worth of knowledge vanish in a blink of an eye is considered the ultimate sin in the life of VEKRÁ.

With less than a 100 living they are invisible to the rest of society. Though who would they be inhabiting and with The VEKRÁ are more less invisible from society. Though the one who would under go the fusion from human to VEKRÁ is a painless procedure. Why be infromed now of the VEKRÁ intentions to merge with us. Most of the general public won’t ever see one let alone know who is standing next to them is a higher form of life. The VEKRÁ have a saying. “VEKRÁ is living a life with answers and pursuit of understanding.”

The VEKRÁ main goal in life is knowledge. To let more than millineaums worth of knowledge vanish in a blink of an eye is considered the ultimate sin in the life of VEKRÁ.

With less than a 100 living they are invisible to the rest of society. Though who would they be inhabiting and with the flux of information, knowledge, and technology they bring to the table. What has been discussed in private with a higher up department, the VEKRÁ recipients will only allow humans that are ready for a being to live along side with them.

The human will regain all conscious and access to the memories of the VEKRÁ These memories will access the knowledge and it will be up to the host body to interepet the VEKRÁ’S knowledge and transcribe it to affect our society.


The planet Earth filled with more than 7 billion people and an estimate of 500 million sick. Our little rock of a planet is growing expediently larger each year. With each year passing the population grows 500 million each year. Yet when giving the oppurnunity to share less than .01% of the population to those who cannot reproduce on their own, humans want to

be greedy.

Restraint, a term not use often when it comes to our mass consumption of food, power, and wealth. Alone the U.S. has the power to oblirated the planet over 11 times. Though the power the U.S has shown restraint. Most of the human beings on this planet has shown restraint one way or another.


From what little we still know about the VEKRÁ, they have not been aggressive. For such a small creature/parasite they have been living amongst the galaxy far pass since the creation of Earth.

The VEKRÁ are a parasitic race no more than an inch in size, but they live in bio-organic host bodies to advance their evolutionary process.

The VEKRÁ first made contact  with the United States of America with an average looking human who claimed he was an alien from a different galaxy. The VEKRÁ pleaded with officials and other reputable sources that he was infact trying to save his race. The VEKRÁ was so desperate he ask the President of the United States to meet his people at an undisclosed location.

Only speculations and theories were made about what really happened between our government and the VEKRÁ race. All we knew about the next day there was a Presidential address.The very next month.  The President at the time said the answer that many of us has pondered we are not alone has finally been answered.  VEKRÁ has come to this planet looking for aid. The long speech was to address that the VEKRÁ are a peaceful species, and they look no difference from you nor I from the outside.  They seek refuge on our planet. With their help and our own we as a nation can learn to grow together along side of each other.

The news was hard to hear at the time. How would we know whos Human and whos VEKRÁ. The uproar was massive, but in the times of change we as humans have learn to be accpeting of new possibilites. The advancement of life and the pursuit of technology was a reasonable trade off to let the VEKRÁ inhabit the chosen few to gain access to this knowledge.

Along the VEKRÁ evolutionary process something change deep in their dna makeup. From what the scientist of Earth have understood, the VEKRÁ lack the ability to reproduce.

Before the VEKRÁ knew what was happening they had lost over three quarters of their entire species in the matter of months.  The VEKRÁ have been scrambling, scared, and desperate for new host.

The VEKRÁ have traveled galaxies away hoping to find a new host in which just to live in to continue their own existence. Through suffering and pain of their losses, the human race was hesitant of fusion between a parasite and a human. To the VEKRÁ we are their very last hope of survival. Turning down this once in a life time oppurtuninty was something that heavly wayed on our minds.  What was our gain? What was theirs? Why us? All valid questions that could be answered, but the time was growing short.

Less than a 100 VEKRÁ were still alive and they needed an answer immediately. To the VEKRÁ we are their very last hope of survival. Turning down this once in a life time oppurtuninty was something that heavly wayed on our minds.  What was our gain? What was theirs? Why us? All valid questions that could be answered, but the time was growing short.  Less than a 100 VEKRÁ were still alive and they needed an answer immediately.

After a short time the United States offered salvation to the VEKRÁ. With the VEKRÁ knowledge and advancement in technology there is no telling how much we can prosper from the VEKRÁ immense race.

Article 5

New information has been leaked out of Washington DC.

Among the VEKRA that are left is less than .001 percent

of the total of United States population. With this new

development the VEKRA have more to lose than us. The

President is deeply sadden by the lost of the woman in

Iowa but also admits we should not blame the VEKRA.

When asked is their going to be actions taken against

VEKRA? The president said “ the VEKRA came to us in

a time of need. They have been compliant, well

mannered, and have taken every step of the process to

being admitted in this great country of ours. How can we

take actions when we knew that this might happen. The

VEKRA new that there might be losses on both sides, but

this is the risk we take to advance ourselves further into

the future.” Cancer… we have cured it thanks to the

VEKRA knowledge. I know there are a lot of question

still need to be answered, but for now this was an

unforeseen accident that the VEKRA and the Americans

will not make this mistake again.” Can we truly… B12

Area 51

According to Wikipedia

UFO  at Area 51. What do you want to believe?

Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a focus of modern UFO and conspiracy theories. Some of the activities mentioned in such theories at Area 51 include:

Many of the hypotheses concern underground facilities at Groom or at Papoose Lake (also known as “S-4 location”), 8.5 miles (13.7 km) south, and include claims of a transcontinental underground railroad system, a disappearing airstrip (nicknamed the “Cheshire Airstrip”, after Lewis Carroll‘s Cheshire cat) which briefly appears when water is sprayed onto its camouflaged asphalt, and engineering based on alien technology. Publicly available satellite imagery, however, reveals clearly visible landing strips at Groom Dry Lake, but not at Papoose Lake.

In the mid-1950s, civilian aircraft flew under 20,000 feet while military aircraft flew under 40,000 feet. Once the U-2 began flying at above 60,000 feet, an unexpected side effect was an increasing number of UFO sighting reports. Sightings occurred most often during early evenings hours, when airline pilots flying west saw the U-2’s silver wings reflect the setting sun, giving the aircraft a “fiery” appearance. Many sighting reports came to the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, which investigated UFO sightings, through air-traffic controllers and letters to the government. The project checked U-2 and later OXCART flight records to eliminate the majority of UFO reports it received during the late 1950s and 1960s, although it could not reveal to the letter writers the truth behind what they saw.  Similarly, veterans of experimental projects such as OXCART and NERVA at Area 51 agree that their work (including 2,850 OXCART test flights alone) inadvertently prompted many of the UFO sightings and other rumors:

The shape of OXCART was unprecedented, with its wide, disk-like fuselage designed to carry vast quantities of fuel. Commercial pilots cruising over Nevada at dusk would look up and see the bottom of OXCART whiz by at 2,000-plus mph. The aircraft’s titanium body, moving as fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun’s rays in a way that could make anyone think, UFO.

They believe that the rumors helped maintain secrecy over Area 51’s actual operations. While the veterans deny the existence of a vast underground railroad system, many of Area 51’s operations did (and presumably still do) occur underground.

  • Bob Lazar
See: S-4 (facility) for further information
Several people have claimed knowledge of events supporting Area 51 conspiracy theories. These have included Bob Lazar, who claimed in 1989 that he had worked at Area 51’s “Sector Four (S-4)”, said to be located underground inside the Papoose Range near Papoose Lake. Lazar has stated he was contracted to work with alien spacecraft that the U.S. government had in its possession.
  • Bruce Burgess
Similarly, the 1996 documentary Dreamland directed by Bruce Burgess included an interview with a 71-year-old mechanical engineer who claimed to be a former employee at Area 51 during the 1950s. His claims included that he had worked on a “flying disc simulator” which had been based on a disc originating from a crashed extraterrestrial craft and was used to train US Pilots. He also claimed to have worked with an extraterrestrial being named “J-Rod” and described as a “telepathic translator”.
  • Dan Burisch
In 2004, Dan Burisch (pseudonym of Dan Crain) claimed to have worked on cloning alien viruses at Area 51, also alongside the alien named “J-Rod”. Burisch’s scholarly credentials are the subject of much debate, as he was apparently working as a Las Vegas parole officer in 1989 while also earning a PhD at State University of New York (SUNY).”

America vs Vekra civil war?

There has become a backlash from the

woman who died in Iowa and the a lot of

American are outraged. The president

will be giving a speech later this week on

the tragedy in Iowa. Tensions are running

high and from what we gather the

VEKRA did not survive as well. It would

seem that if the woman in Iowa rejected

the VEKRA, the VEKRA would die as


Article 3 Trouble with Vekra

Several months have past and we are

learning new things about the VEKRA

each day. A dying woman whose family

wants to remain anonymous desperately

wanted to live. This woman was chosen

be a vekra by infusion. From what our

sources tell us the way a VEKRA is able

to co-exisit among humans is that both

parties must be willing mentally to to live

side my side in a single body. There is a

tape going around of the woman saying

she did not want this “thing” inside her

from our sources it was the family who

convinced her A8

Article 2 Cancer Cure

A man infused with the parasite vera has

found cure for cancer. Only a month into

the VEKRA integration with society, the

infused man, Alfred Smith, discovered

the cure for cancer. We interviewed him

and this is what he had to say. Alfred said

“ ever since fusing with the VEKRA, I

started asking questions about how can

we better society and show that the Vekra

are worth living amongst us. Its like

talking to yourself and instead of not

knowing the answer I was able with the

help of the Vekra’s knowledge to obtain

the answer. With countless research that

moved in to human trial rapidly, we

solved it. It could not have been done

without the Vekra’s help.” That is

unbelievable. Have you asked about other

forms of cancer on how to cure all the

different types. Alfred said “ One thing at

a time we don’t want to rush things, but

we are focusing all our efforts into what

could be the next major medical

marvel…. A7

Apart of Society Article 1

Vekra, through long negotiantions with

the President and his advisors have

allowed to the Vekra to live among

humans side by side. This is a history

changing moment in the United States.

Now the question will start to flood in.

Who are they? What do they want? What

do they look like. What does this mean for

America and are we going to see transformations

in our daily lives. How soon will

this they populate here. Only time will

tell, but all we know for sure is that when

will we have a chance to talk to them and

find out why they chose us? A3