Conspiracy Theorist

“UFO believers hold two opposing beliefs. One is that the government we all know is but a projected shadow on the cave. The real government, the deep state, controls the world and remains hidden. The other is that this government, all powerful and capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out, is not all powerful and not capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out. They’ve got witnesses; 500 military, intelligence, credentialed witnesses who can testify to some part of the conspiracy.”

work work work work

Nothing but work this week going to be doing something that I have always wanted to do/ recreate something from scratch. Every crime drama show has some sort of mapping project that delves into a persons psyche. Now its time to create a character or maybe I am that character who delves into this universe and make it work.

Lore part 3

What is it about change that we don’t understand. The USA as it sits presently doesn’t give two shits about change.  What is change going to really do for us. VEKRA are allow to live here on earth peacefully. When one thing goes bad we are up in arms. There is less than a 100 of them. They can’t reproduce and they are peaceful in nature. According to VEKRA lore violence has to end only more war. Can we truly accept change without violence?