Conspiracy Theorist

“UFO believers hold two opposing beliefs. One is that the government we all know is but a projected shadow on the cave. The real government, the deep state, controls the world and remains hidden. The other is that this government, all powerful and capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out, is not all powerful and not capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out. They’ve got witnesses; 500 military, intelligence, credentialed witnesses who can testify to some part of the conspiracy.”

work work work work

Nothing but work this week going to be doing something that I have always wanted to do/ recreate something from scratch. Every crime drama show has some sort of mapping project that delves into a persons psyche. Now its time to create a character or maybe I am that character who delves into this universe and make it work.

Lore part 3

What is it about change that we don’t understand. The USA as it sits presently doesn’t give two shits about change.  What is change going to really do for us. VEKRA are allow to live here on earth peacefully. When one thing goes bad we are up in arms. There is less than a 100 of them. They can’t reproduce and they are peaceful in nature. According to VEKRA lore violence has to end only more war. Can we truly accept change without violence?

Healing touch Article 7

A report coming out of Texas. A man lying

in a coma for well over a decade has been a

prospect for VEKRA. How does this man

have the mental capacity to allow the

VEKRA to fuse with his mind. Honestly this

is the best candidate for VEKRA as a

spokesman from Washington said. The

Vekra can communicate with the active

brain development deep with in his subconscious

without worrying about man or the

VEKRA themselves. From what we understand

the VEKRA can communicate and ask

if they want to be as one as they like to put

it. For them its a perfect way to test out if

someone is ready for the infusion process. It

is unbelievable the rapid healing the

VEKRA are able to heal the mind without

damaging the nerves. Its out of this world.

The amount of time it takes for them to get

out of the hospital they recover quickly… A9


Top engineers with a woman infused with

a VEKRA have achieved a stunning new

technology. Actual flying cars. We asked

lead engineer Rachel VEKRA Jones, how

did you come up with flying cars. Jones

replied “It was a happy accident. I was

watching Back to the Future, and I wondered

why we don’t have flying cars now.

When the answer popped into my head

like that moment when the light bulb

turns on in your head. This wave of

knowledge coming from thin air and just

the feeling of it rushing through my brain

it hurt, but it was a good hurt haha.” Jones

who has been working as a mechanic

explains why she was chosen to be

infused with the VEKRA. Jones replied “

I was hesitant at first. I was diagnosed

with cancer and when I heard their was a

cure and it actually worked it cured me. A

booster shot and in the weeks that

followed I couldn’t believe how I

changed. It captured my mind and I felt

that I needed to repay the VEKRA’S kindness

and I sent in an application to the

White House. I am just a small town girl

from Michigan and being brought up on

cars I wanted to make a difference. I

never thought I would get a reply let

alone… A5