World Building.

I have had people ask me why VEKRA? What is so significant about an alien from another galaxy? Or how is this a thesis project, their are no hard facts?

Well the answer to why I chose my project on another alien life is simple to me. We have always been lead to believe that alien are always meant to hurt and destroy.  An alien from another galaxy imagine that in your mind. How would that change our lives as a whole.  Its unfathomable. How is that even possible? While yes there are no hard facts about VEKRA, but their are hard facts about the population and the survivability of Earth.

I have been building a world for this VEKRA to just live in. With our politics starting to change, we are going to be living in a different society. A society of change where Earth can co-inhabit with a possibility of life.


What would America do without its technology today? How are we different from the rest of the world. Our advancement comes from another country. We might have the idea of what we expect from our technology, unlike the rest of the world their is an alien life that surpasses our own. VEKRA.


With all the parasite has to offer us we accept them into our family. As one community living side by side with each other gaining knowledge and sustaining life. We the people from Earth can rest assure that we will watch over the VEKRÁ. Making sure that they can live their lives, but at the same time protect them from others that see them as a threat. With great knowledge comes great responsibility.  Though the Earth has had its trouble we can truly make our planet a refuge for those seeking a place to call home once again.


How do we judge an alien only wanting to live. Is it through the way they promote themselves as a peaceful race only seeking knowledge. How could the human race even begin to understand such a commitment? The whole planet that the VEKRÁ lived on was immediately wiped out in just a few short years because of their advancements.


The price living along side of this dying race is that the human mind must allow itself not to fight for control of the body, but let it merge and become a single unit.

The transitions from VEKRÁ to host body has its price. If the host rejects the body it too will die along with the parasite. From what is understood the VEKRÁ have healing properties that allow each host body to live far beyond its normal capabilites. Relying on merging with the ill is a risk in itself. The mind is a delicate thing allowing a parasitic lifeform merging with could cause the brain to reject and utterly killing it both of them.

Conditions that are face in the future is if the VEKRÁ figure out their reproduction, will they take over Earth and repopulate in their name.

Theorist don’t believe that the VEKRÁ would do such a thing being a peaeful race with the intention on just living and gathering knowledge. Given that the parasitic alien came to us upfront as they were, the knowledge that they would have collected seems immensly greatful for saving their race.

Only time will tell if VEKRÁ’s will live with us for the remainder of their time on here on Earth.


The condition the VEKRÁ are in utter peril. Watching their friends and love ones perish while they themseleve look for salvation. Earth has given them the salvation that is needed for them to sustain their life. Still it comes with a single price.


The VEKRÁ are more less invisible from society. Though the one who would under go the fusion from human to VEKRÁ is a painless procedure. Why be infromed now of the VEKRÁ intentions to merge with us. Most of the general public won’t ever see one let alone know who is standing next to them is a higher form of life. The VEKRÁ have a saying. “VEKRÁ is living a life with answers and pursuit of understanding.”

The VEKRÁ main goal in life is knowledge. To let more than millineaums worth of knowledge vanish in a blink of an eye is considered the ultimate sin in the life of VEKRÁ.

With less than a 100 living they are invisible to the rest of society. Though who would they be inhabiting and with The VEKRÁ are more less invisible from society. Though the one who would under go the fusion from human to VEKRÁ is a painless procedure. Why be infromed now of the VEKRÁ intentions to merge with us. Most of the general public won’t ever see one let alone know who is standing next to them is a higher form of life. The VEKRÁ have a saying. “VEKRÁ is living a life with answers and pursuit of understanding.”

The VEKRÁ main goal in life is knowledge. To let more than millineaums worth of knowledge vanish in a blink of an eye is considered the ultimate sin in the life of VEKRÁ.

With less than a 100 living they are invisible to the rest of society. Though who would they be inhabiting and with the flux of information, knowledge, and technology they bring to the table. What has been discussed in private with a higher up department, the VEKRÁ recipients will only allow humans that are ready for a being to live along side with them.

The human will regain all conscious and access to the memories of the VEKRÁ These memories will access the knowledge and it will be up to the host body to interepet the VEKRÁ’S knowledge and transcribe it to affect our society.


The planet Earth filled with more than 7 billion people and an estimate of 500 million sick. Our little rock of a planet is growing expediently larger each year. With each year passing the population grows 500 million each year. Yet when giving the oppurnunity to share less than .01% of the population to those who cannot reproduce on their own, humans want to

be greedy.

Restraint, a term not use often when it comes to our mass consumption of food, power, and wealth. Alone the U.S. has the power to oblirated the planet over 11 times. Though the power the U.S has shown restraint. Most of the human beings on this planet has shown restraint one way or another.


From what little we still know about the VEKRÁ, they have not been aggressive. For such a small creature/parasite they have been living amongst the galaxy far pass since the creation of Earth.

The VEKRÁ are a parasitic race no more than an inch in size, but they live in bio-organic host bodies to advance their evolutionary process.

The VEKRÁ first made contact  with the United States of America with an average looking human who claimed he was an alien from a different galaxy. The VEKRÁ pleaded with officials and other reputable sources that he was infact trying to save his race. The VEKRÁ was so desperate he ask the President of the United States to meet his people at an undisclosed location.

Only speculations and theories were made about what really happened between our government and the VEKRÁ race. All we knew about the next day there was a Presidential address.The very next month.  The President at the time said the answer that many of us has pondered we are not alone has finally been answered.  VEKRÁ has come to this planet looking for aid. The long speech was to address that the VEKRÁ are a peaceful species, and they look no difference from you nor I from the outside.  They seek refuge on our planet. With their help and our own we as a nation can learn to grow together along side of each other.

The news was hard to hear at the time. How would we know whos Human and whos VEKRÁ. The uproar was massive, but in the times of change we as humans have learn to be accpeting of new possibilites. The advancement of life and the pursuit of technology was a reasonable trade off to let the VEKRÁ inhabit the chosen few to gain access to this knowledge.

Along the VEKRÁ evolutionary process something change deep in their dna makeup. From what the scientist of Earth have understood, the VEKRÁ lack the ability to reproduce.

Before the VEKRÁ knew what was happening they had lost over three quarters of their entire species in the matter of months.  The VEKRÁ have been scrambling, scared, and desperate for new host.

The VEKRÁ have traveled galaxies away hoping to find a new host in which just to live in to continue their own existence. Through suffering and pain of their losses, the human race was hesitant of fusion between a parasite and a human. To the VEKRÁ we are their very last hope of survival. Turning down this once in a life time oppurtuninty was something that heavly wayed on our minds.  What was our gain? What was theirs? Why us? All valid questions that could be answered, but the time was growing short.

Less than a 100 VEKRÁ were still alive and they needed an answer immediately. To the VEKRÁ we are their very last hope of survival. Turning down this once in a life time oppurtuninty was something that heavly wayed on our minds.  What was our gain? What was theirs? Why us? All valid questions that could be answered, but the time was growing short.  Less than a 100 VEKRÁ were still alive and they needed an answer immediately.

After a short time the United States offered salvation to the VEKRÁ. With the VEKRÁ knowledge and advancement in technology there is no telling how much we can prosper from the VEKRÁ immense race.